Reading Exam Preparation EAP Worksheets


Common Reading Exam Question Types

EAP Reading Exam Preparation Worksheet - Reading Exercises: True, False or Not Given, Multiple-Choice, Gap-Fill, Short Answer Questions - Speaking Activity - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes

In this useful reading exam preparation worksheet, students read about strategies to answer four common reading question types and then practice them using a reading exam text. First, students read a text about strategies to answer reading exam questions and match headings to the paragraphs. Students then read an extract from a reading exam paper. Next, students answer true, false or not given questions based on the text. After that, students choose the correct option to answer each question about the text. Students then move on to complete sentences with no more than two words from the text. Following that, students answer questions using no more than three words from the text. Finally, students discuss questions about the question types with a partner.
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