Adverbs of Frequency ESL Games, Activities and Worksheets


All About You

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Game - Vocabulary and Speaking: Multiple-choice, Guessing, Forming Sentences from Prompts, Freer Practice - Pair Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

This fun adverbs of frequency game is ideal for practicing the frequency adverbs: always, usually, sometimes and never. In pairs, students begin by circling the adverb of frequency in each statement that they think is true for their partner. Students then take it in turns to tell their partner which adverb of frequency they chose for each statement, e.g. 'I think you never eat Italian food'. Their partner tells them if they are right or wrong and the other student marks the correct answer on the worksheet. If the student’s guess is wrong, their partner explains why. The student with the most correct guesses is the winner.
All about You Preview

Elementary Adverbs of Frequency

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Worksheet - Reading and Grammar Exercises: Answering Questions, Binary Choice, Gap-fill, Categorising - Speaking Activity - Pair Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 30 minutes

This productive adverbs of frequency worksheet helps students learn and practice describing daily activities with basic adverbs of frequency: never, sometimes, often, usually and always. Students start by reading Erica's class schedule and using clues to complete a crossword. Next, students choose the best frequency adverb to complete sentences about Erica's schedule. After that, students complete sentences with adverbs of frequency from a box. Afterwards, students complete sentences containing adverbs of frequency with their own information. Students then move on to sort activities into categories based on how often they do them. Finally, students tell a partner how often they do the activities, adding additional information if possible.
Elementary Adverbs of Frequency Preview


ESL Adverbs of Frequency Game - Vocabulary: Writing True and False Sentences, Asking Questions from Prompts, Guessing - Group Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 30 minutes

In this entertaining adverbs of frequency guessing game, students write true or false sentences about themselves with frequency adverbs and play a game where they guess which of their classmates' sentences are true and which are false. To begin, students complete six sentences about themselves with the frequency adverbs shown on the worksheet, making three sentences true and three false. Next, in groups, students take it in turns to read one of their sentences to the other group members. Each group member asks the student one follow-up question to help them guess whether the sentence is true or false. The group members then make their guesses by each placing one of their true or false cards on the table and the student reveals the answer. Anyone who guessed correctly takes back their true or false card. The remaining cards are taken by the student who read the sentence. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Fifty-Fifty Preview

How often do you...?

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Board Game - Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Freer Practice - Group Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

Here is a free adverbs of frequency board game in which students ask How often do you...? questions and answer with adverbs and expressions of frequency. Players take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the board. When a player lands on a square, the student to their right asks them the How often do you…? question on the square. The player then answers the question by making a true sentence with an adverb or expression of frequency. If a player can’t think of anything to say or makes a grammar mistake, they go back two squares. The first player to reach the finish wins the game.
How often do you...? Preview

My Partner's Daily Life

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Activity - Grammar, Vocabulary and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled and Freer Practice - Pair Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 30 minutes

In this insightful adverbs of frequency speaking activity, students ask and answer questions about their daily routines using the present simple and frequency adverbs. In pairs, students take it in turns to find out about their partner's daily life by asking the questions on their worksheet, e.g. 'Do you have a big breakfast (every day)? Their partner responds using one of the frequency adverbs in the chart, e.g. 'Yes, I usually have a big breakfast'. Students note down their partner's answers in the chart and ask follow-up questions, noting the extra information in the last column of the worksheet. When everyone has finished, students tell the class what they found out about their partner.
My Partner's Daily Life Preview

On the Same Frequency

ESL How Often Do You Game - Grammar and Speaking: Sentence Completion, Guessing, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts - Pair Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes

This rewarding adverbs of frequency guessing game helps students practice basic adverbs of frequency, first and third person present simple verb forms, and How often do you...? questions. First, students read each sentence on the worksheet and write I, an adverb of frequency, and the correct form of the verb in brackets in the column marked 'Me', depending on how often they do the activity shown, e.g. 'I sometimes speak (English)'. In pairs, students then guess their partner's habits for the same activities by completing each sentence with he or she, an adverb of frequency, and the correct verb form in the 'My partner' column, e.g. 'She often speaks (English)'. Next, students take it in turns to find out if their guesses are right or wrong by asking How often do you ...? questions to their partner, e.g. 'How often do you speak English?' Their partner then gives their answer. If the student guessed correctly, they put a tick in the last column. If not, the student puts a cross. The student with the most correct guesses in each pair wins.
On the Same Frequency Preview

About Me

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Worksheet - Grammar Exercise: Sentence Completion - Grammar Game: Guessing - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 35 minutes

This free adverbs of frequency worksheet and game helps students to master adverb of frequency word order. Students begin by writing their name at the top of the worksheet. Students then complete sentences by writing true information about themselves based on the adverbs of frequency on the worksheet. Students write sentences using two structures. The first structure uses the verb 'to be' followed by a frequency adverb. The other uses a frequency adverb followed by a main verb. When students have finished writing, collect in the worksheets. Students then play a guessing game where you read some sentences from each worksheet to the class and they guess who wrote them. Students score one point for each correct guess. The student with the most points wins the game.
About me Preview

Find Someone Who...

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Activity - Grammar and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Controlled Practice - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

In this adverbs of frequency speaking activity, students ask How often do you questions and answer with adverbs and expressions of frequency. Students start by going through the items on the worksheet and forming the How often do you...? questions they need to ask to do the activity, e.g. 'How often do you eat in a restaurant?' Students then go around the classroom asking the questions. When a classmate replies with the same adverb or expression of frequency that is written on the worksheet, the student writes down their name and asks a follow-up question. If their answer doesn’t match with the adverb of frequency on the worksheet, the student repeats the question with other classmates until one of them gives a matching response. Finally, students give feedback to the class on what they found out about their classmates.
Find Someone Who Preview

How often do you use English?

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Activities - Vocabulary and Grammar Game: Forming Sentences, True or False, Guessing - Speaking Activity: Freer Practice - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 40 minutes

In these imaginative adverbs of frequency activities, students play a true or false game and conduct a survey about how often they use English outside the classroom. First, students prepare true or false statements about how often they use English when doing the things shown on cards, e.g. 'I write emails in English every day'. Each group then competes against another group in a true or false game (Team A and B). A student from Team A chooses one of their cards and reads the statement to Team B who guesses whether the statement is true or false. If Team B guesses correctly, they score a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Next, on a worksheet, each student truthfully answers how often they use English when doing the things shown. Students then ask the How often do you...? questions to their group members and complete the worksheet with their answers. Finally, groups give feedback to the class on their findings and discuss the results.
How often do you use English? Preview

How well do you know me?

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Game - Grammar and Vocabulary: Sentence Completion, Guessing - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 35 minutes

In this intriguing adverbs of frequency game, students see how well they know their classmates by completing sentences with frequency adverbs. One student comes to the front of the class, sits in a chair and picks a card. The student then reads the card to the class, saying the word 'blank' where the adverb or expression of frequency goes, e.g. 'I BLANK watch TV in the evening'. The student then writes down an adverb of frequency on the card to make the sentence true for him or herself. If the 'blank' comes at the end of the sentence, the student writes an expression of frequency. The other students then write down the adverb or expression of frequency that they think the student has written. Next, all the students hold up their cards. The student at the front then shows their answer. Anyone who has the same adverb or expression of frequency as the student at the front scores a point for themselves or their team. Then, another student comes to the front of the class and so on. The individual or team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
How well do you know me? Preview

Knowing Me, Knowing You

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Game - Speaking: Guessing, Forming Sentences, Freer Practice - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

In this free adverbs of frequency game, students guess how often their classmates do certain things and make sentences with frequency adverbs. First, students tick the adverb of frequency that demonstrates how often they do each thing shown in the chart on their worksheet. In groups, students then complete an identical chart for each student in their group by guessing how often the student does the things shown and ticking the appropriate adverb of frequency. Afterwards, students choose one group member and take turns telling the group what answers they gave for that student. Students do this by making sentences with adverbs of frequency, explaining their answers, e.g. 'I think Amy usually buys new clothes because she often wears different clothes to class'. After all the students have explained their answers, the student reveals the correct frequency adverbs. Students score one point for each correct guess. The student with the most correct guesses wins the game.
Knowing Me, Knowing You Preview

Six Surveys

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Activity - Grammar and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Writing Sentences - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

In this enjoyable adverbs of frequency speaking activity, students conduct a survey where they ask each other present simple yes/no questions with Do you...? and respond to questions with short answers and frequency adverbs. In groups, each student conducts a survey to find out about the topic on their form, e.g. holidays, eating habits, etc. Students ask each other the Do you...? questions on their form and respond to their classmates' questions with short answers and frequency adverbs, e.g. 'Yes, usually', 'No, hardly ever', etc. Students record these answers in a chart on their form. Afterwards, students write sentences based on the results of their survey using phrases from the board. When the students have finished, they report back to the class on their findings.
Six Surveys Preview

Sort it out!

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Game - Vocabulary, Grammar and Reading: Unscrambling, Ordering Parts of a Text - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

In this fast-paced adverbs of frequency game, teams race to put words in the correct order to make present simple sentences with adverbs of frequency, adding in any necessary punctuation. The first team to show and read out each sentence in the correct order scores three points. Teams that show or read out a wrong answer lose one point. This continues until all the sentences have been completed. When everyone has finished, students put the sentences into the correct order to form a text about someone’s weekly routine. The first team to do this scores an additional five points. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
Sort it out! Preview

True Detective

ESL How Often Do You Game - Vocabulary and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Freer Practice - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) - 25 minutes

Here is a creative adverbs of frequency game to help students practice How often do you questions and adverbs and expressions of frequency. In groups of three, students take it in turns to pick up an action card and use the prompt on the card to ask the other two students a How often do you...? question, e.g. 'How often do you lose something?' The other two students then look at their frequency cards and each choose one that is as close to the truth as possible. The two students then respond by making a sentence using the adverb or expression of frequency on their card, e.g. 'I hardly ever lose something'. The student who asked the question then decides whose answer is nearest to the truth and gives the action card to that student. That student lays the frequency and action card on the table for everyone to see and the two cards are removed from the game. The next student then picks up an action card and so on. The first student to get rid of all their frequency cards wins the game.
True Detective Preview

True or False Sentences

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Game - Grammar: Forming Sentences from Prompts, True or False, Guessing - Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) - 30 minutes

In this amusing adverbs of frequency true or false game, students practice making sentences with adverbs and expressions of frequency. A student from Team A picks up a subject card and a frequency card from each pile and places them face up on the desk. The student’s task is to make a true or false sentence with the subject and adverb or expression of frequency on the cards. The student then says the sentence to the other team, e.g. 'My father always goes to work at eight o'clock'. The opposing team guesses whether the sentence is true or false. If the opposing team guesses correctly, they win and keep the cards. If they are wrong, the other team wins and keeps the cards. A student from Team B then picks up two cards and the process is repeated. The team with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
True or False Sentences Preview

Which sentence?

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Game - Grammar and Vocabulary: Sentence Completion, Guessing - Pair Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

Here is a useful adverbs of frequency game to help students talk about themselves using more advanced adverbs and expressions of frequency. First, students look at sentences containing adverbs and expressions of frequency on the worksheet and then complete the sentences with true information about themselves, e.g. 'I normally see my friends at the weekend'. In pairs, students then take it in turns to read only the parts they have written to their partner, e.g. 'see my friends'. Their partner then has two chances to guess which sentence (1 to 15) the words come from. If a student guesses correctly the first time, they score two points. If a student guesses correctly on the second try, they receive one point. The student with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
Which sentence? Preview

Formulate it

ESL How Often Do You Game - Grammar and Speaking: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes

In this engaging adverbs of frequency game, students formulate How often do you...? questions and give answers with adverbs and expressions of frequency. The first student picks up a verb card and thinks of a How often do you...? question using the verb on the card. The student then asks the question to the second student. If the student formulates the question correctly, they keep the card. The second student picks up a frequency card and answers by making a sentence with the frequency adverb or expression on the card. If the student forms their answer correctly, they keep the card. The second student then picks up a verb card and asks a question to the third student and so on. If a student makes a grammar mistake or is unable to form a question or answer, another student can steal their card by correctly forming it for them. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Formulate it Preview

Guess the Frequency

ESL Adverbs of Definite Frequency Game - Speaking and Vocabulary: Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Sentence Completion, Guessing - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes

In this inventive adverbs of definite frequency game, students race to guess definite frequency adverbs for habitual activities. In groups, students take it in turns to pick up a card. If a student picks up an adverb card, they ask a How often do you...? question to elicit the adverb of definite frequency on the card. For example, if the card reads 'hourly', the student might ask 'How often do you check your phone?' The first student to respond by making a sentence with the correct adverb of definite frequency wins and keeps the card, e.g. 'I check my phone hourly'. If a student picks up a sentence card, they check to see if an answer has been provided. If not, the student writes a definite frequency adverb on the card to reflect how often they do the activity. The student then reads the sentence in bold to the group, e.g. 'I celebrate my birthday...' The other students then race to guess the adverb of definite frequency, i.e. annually or yearly. The first student to correctly guess the adverb wins and keeps the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Guess the Frequency Preview

Tell the Truth

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Board Game - Grammar and Speaking: Forming Sentences from Prompts - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 20 minutes

In this interesting adverbs of frequency board game, students make true present simple sentences using adverbs and expressions of frequency. Players take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the board. When a player lands on a square, they make a true present simple sentence using the phrase on the square and a frequency adverb or expression from the board. The other group members listen and judge the player's sentence. If the player makes a grammatically correct and believable sentence, they stay on the square. If the player makes a grammar mistake, they go back two squares. If the sentence seems unbelievable, the group members ask the player to explain more about their sentence. The first player to reach the finish wins the game.
Tell the Truth Preview

Time to Review

ESL Adverbs of Frequency Worksheet - Reading and Vocabulary Exercises: Labelling, Matching, Multiple Choice, Table Completion, Comprehension Questions, Writing Sentences - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes

This comprehensive adverbs of frequency worksheet helps students review 11 frequency adverbs. Students begin by writing adverbs of frequency from a box next to their corresponding percentages. Next, students complete sentences with adverbs of frequency that match with percentages. Afterwards, students read a university student's timetable and write the number of hours the person spends on each of their commitments. Students then answer questions about the timetable using frequency adverbs. In the last exercise, students write sentences about their own timetable or routine using adverbs of frequency.
Time to Review Preview

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