Ordering Food and Drink ESL Restaurant Role-Plays, Activities and Worksheets


Can I take your order?

ESL Ordering Food and Drink Game - Speaking: Role-Play, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Communicative Practice - Group Work - Elementary (A1-A2) - 20 minutes

This free ordering food and drink game helps students learn and practice phrases for ordering menu items. First, students read a menu, decide on a three-course meal and drink they would like to have, and write it on a slip of paper. Next, students play a card game where they try to get the four food or drink items by ordering them from the menu. Students then take turns ordering a menu item from another group member, e.g. 'Can I have a salad, please?' If the other student has the menu item card, they give it to the student and reply as a waiter saying, 'Certainly, here you are.' If the student doesn't have the menu item, they say, 'I'm sorry. We don't have any... left.' The first student to get their four menu item cards wins the game. Students can play several rounds to practice the ordering phrases.
Can I take your order? Preview

At the Coffee Shop

ESL Coffee Shop Role-Play - Speaking Activity: Ordering a Dialogue, Role-Play, Communicative Practice - Pair Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes

In this useful coffee shop role-play activity, students practice ordering food and drink in a coffee shop. First, students write a coffee shop dialogue out in the correct order. After that, one student takes on the role of a customer, and the other is a barista. Students then role-play the dialogue several times in their pairs, exchanging roles each time. Finally, students use the dialogue and a coffee shop menu to create their own conversation in which they practice ordering food and drinks. When everyone has finished, pairs perform their role-plays to the class.
At the Coffee Shop Preview

At the Restaurant

ESL Restaurant Role-Plays - Reading and Vocabulary Exercises: Ordering a Dialogue, Categorising, Gap-fill - Speaking Activity: Role-Play - Pair Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 35 minutes

These productive restaurant role-play activities help students practice various phrases used by a customer and server in a restaurant. First, in pairs, students put sentence strips in the correct order to form a restaurant dialogue between a customer and a server. Students then practice the dialogue several times with their partner, switching roles each time. Next, students categorise phrases according to whether they are used by a customer or a server. After that, students complete other restaurant phrases with vocabulary from a box. In pairs, students then use the phrases from the worksheet, a menu and a set of prompts to practice ordering food and drink in a restaurant. Finally, pairs present their role-plays to the class.
At the Restaurant Preview

Fussy Eaters

ESL Restaurant Role-Play - Speaking Activity: Role-Play, Communicative Practice - Group Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes

In this fun restaurant role-play activity, students take on the role of fussy eaters and order food and drink according to preferences on cards. In groups, one student takes on the role of a waiter or waitress. The other students take on the roles of fussy eaters. The fussy eaters read the food and drink preferences on their cards. Students then role-play a restaurant conversation where they order food and drinks from the menu according to their preferences. Students repeat the role-play several times, exchanging roles each time they complete the conversation. Finally, groups role-play their restaurant conversations in front of the class.
Fussy Eaters Preview

What's for lunch?

ESL Restaurant Language Worksheet - Vocabulary Exercises: Matching, Ordering - Speaking Activity: Role-Play - Pair Work - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes

This informative restaurant language worksheet helps students learn and practice phrases for ordering food and drink in a restaurant. First, students match each restaurant-related question with an appropriate reply. Students then write the questions and responses in the correct order to form a restaurant dialogue. Finally, students practice the restaurant dialogue with a partner and role-play it in front of the class.
What's for lunch? Preview

Dining Out

ESL Restaurant Role-Plays - Speaking Activity: Communicative Practice - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes

In this engaging restaurant role-play activity, students review language for dining out by role-playing various restaurant interactions. The role-play cards cover 20 interactions in chronological order that would happen between a customer and a server or a customer and a friend when dining at a restaurant. One student begins by picking up card number one and reading out the first role-play scenario, i.e. 'Invite your friend to a restaurant one evening.' The other students listen and then perform the role-play. When the two students have finished, the next student picks up a card, reads out the second scenario, and so on. At the end of the activity, groups role-play each interaction in front of the class to review the restaurant language.
Dining Out Preview

Let's Order!

ESL Restaurant Language Worksheet - Vocabulary Exercises: Labelling, Matching, Dialogue Completion - Speaking Activity: Role-Play - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes

In this free restaurant language worksheet, students learn and practice phrases to order food and drink in a restaurant. First, students complete menu headings with vocabulary from a box. Students then match a waiter's questions with suitable responses. Next, students read six phrases a customer might say in a restaurant and match the words in bold to their synonyms. After that, students use the menu and restaurant language from the worksheet to write customer responses in a restaurant dialogue. Finally, students role-play the dialogue with a partner and present it to the class.
Let's Order Preview

Restaurant Role-Play

ESL Restaurant Role-Play - Speaking Activity: Communicative Practice - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes

Here is a communicative restaurant role-play to help students review phrases to order food and drink in a restaurant. In groups, one student takes on the role of a server, and the other two students are customers. The customers come into the classroom and begin the role-play by asking their server for a table for two and a menu. The server follows instructions on a role card, takes the customers' orders and brings the meals. When the customers have finished their meal, they ask the server for the bill. The server then calculates the bill and gives it to the customers. At the same time, the customers work out what they think the bill should be. If any customers think the bill is wrong, they tell their server. At the end of the role-play, the customers give marks out of ten for the servers.
Restaurant Role-Play Preview

Sally's Sandwiches

ESL Sandwich Shop Role-Play - Speaking Activity: Communicative Practice - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 20 minutes

In this communicative sandwich shop role-play activity, students order food and drink from a sandwich shop at lunchtime. In groups of three, one student takes on the role of a person ordering food and drink for themselves and a friend at lunchtime. Another student plays the role of the friend, and the other student is the sandwich shop worker. The student with the menu starts the role-play by explaining what is on the menu to their friend and taking their order. The student then role-plays ordering food and drink in the sandwich shop with the worker. Students repeat the role-play three times, exchanging roles each time they complete the conversation.
Sally's Sandwiches Preview

Who said it?

ESL Restaurant Worksheet - Vocabulary Exercises: Identifying, Matching - Intermediate (B1) - 20 minutes

In this insightful restaurant language worksheet, students practice phrases said by a server and a customer in a restaurant. Students begin by reading extracts from a restaurant dialogue and deciding who said each one, the server or the customer. Students then match each phrase with an appropriate response. As an extension, pairs of students use the language from the worksheet to create a restaurant dialogue, which they present to the class.
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