Speaking Test Preparation EAP Activities, Games and Worksheets


Express, Justify and Debate!

EAP Speaking Test Preparation Activity - Vocabulary and Speaking: Brainstorming, Expressing and Justifying Opinions, Discussion, Communicative Practice - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 40 minutes

This intriguing speaking test preparation activity helps students build their confidence in expressing and justifying opinions on various common speaking test topics. In groups, students take turns picking up a card, laying it on the table and reading the statement to the group. Each group member then decides whether they agree or disagree with the statement and why. Students then debate the topic for three minutes, starting with the reader, who shares and justifies their opinion. The other group members respond one at a time, either agreeing and adding additional reasons or disagreeing and providing counterarguments. When the time is up, the next student picks up a card, and so on. When the groups have finished, they discuss follow-up questions about their debates and then give feedback to the class on their answers.
Express, Justify and Debate! Preview

Fluency Quest

EAP Speaking Test Preparation Board Game - Speaking: Impromptu Speech, Answering Questions, Freer Practice - Group Work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes

This fun speaking test preparation board game develops students' speaking fluency by answering questions similar to those commonly asked in speaking tests. Students take turns rolling the dice and moving their counter along the board. When a student lands on a question square, they answer the speaking test question by talking for 30 seconds. If the student stops talking or can't think of anything to say, they go back two squares. If a student lands on an advantage card square, they take a card, read it and follow the instructions during their next answer. If an advantage card states 'Keep this card', the student keeps it face-up next to them and can use it anytime during the game. If a student lands on a challenge card square, they take a card, read it aloud, keep it and then attempt the challenge during their next answer. After answering, the group decides if the challenge has been completed successfully. If it hasn't, the student moves back two squares. The first student to reach the finish wins the game.
Fluency Quest Preview

Mock Speaking Test

EAP Speaking Test Preparation Activity - Speaking: Guided Discussion, Asking and Answering Questions, Peer Review and Feedback, Communicative Practice - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 40 minutes

Here is a useful speaking test preparation activity in which students learn and practice answering typical speaking test questions following certain criteria. First, in pairs, students read responses to a typical speaking test question and then use three criteria (topic development, organisation, and grammar and vocabulary) to discuss the respective strengths and weaknesses of the responses. Next, students take part in a mock speaking test where one student is the examiner and the other is the candidate. The examiner's task is to ask the questions and complete a feedback form as they go to identify strengths and areas for improvement. The candidate's task is to provide full answers following the three criteria and speak clearly without pausing or hesitating. When the test is over, the examiner uses the feedback form to give their partner constructive feedback on how they did in the test. Afterwards, students swap roles and repeat the process.
Mock Speaking Tests Preview

Question Types and Linking Phrases

EAP Speaking Test Preparation Worksheet - Reading and Vocabulary Exercises: Categorising, Gap-fill - Speaking Activity: Discussion, Controlled and Freer Practice- Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes

In this productive speaking test preparation worksheet, students learn about speaking test question types and practice their related linking phrases. First, students read a text giving general tips for success in speaking tests. In pairs, students then discuss which tip they think is the most useful to them and why. Next, students match speaking test question types to questions. After that, students put each linking phrase in the correct category according to its question-type function. Students then read speaking test questions that cover the various question types and complete answers with the linking phrases. Following that, students take turns asking the test questions to a partner, who replies using the linking phrases. While students listen to their partner's answers, they complete a checklist and use it to give constructive feedback at the end. Finally, students discuss reflection questions in pairs.
Question Types and Linking Phrases Preview

The REAL Formula

EAP Speaking Test Preparation Worksheet - Reading and Vocabulary Exercises: Identifying, Categorising - Speaking Activity: Extemporaneous and Impromptu Speech - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 45 minutes

In this speaking test preparation worksheet, students learn about the REAL Formula and practice using it and related transition phrases to extend answers. First, students read a short text about extending speaking test answers. Students then read three speaking test answers and discuss questions in pairs. Next, students match each part of the REAL Formula to its explanation. After that, students read an example speaking test answer and identify each part of the REAL Formula, underlining the transition phrase that introduces each one. Following that, students categorise each transition phrase according to its REAL function. Students then complete sentences with the transition phrases. Afterwards, students choose a question, plan an answer and say it to a partner using the REAL Formula. Next, students take turns asking speaking test questions to their partner, who replies using the REAL Formula and transition phrases to structure their answers. While students listen to their partner's answers, they complete a checklist and use it to give constructive feedback at the end. Finally, students discuss reflection questions with a new partner.
The REAL Formula Preview

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