Negotiations - Business English Worksheets, Role-Plays and Games


Expressing a Negotiation Position

Business English Negotiations Worksheet - Vocabulary, Reading and Writing Exercises: Matching, Unscrambling, Labelling, Writing Sentences from Prompts - Intermediate (B1) - 25 minutes

In this useful negotiation positions worksheet, students learn and practice expressing simple negotiation positions. First, students match keywords related to negotiations in a text to their definitions. Students then unscramble sentences to reveal six examples of simple negotiation positions. Next, students read about four common negotiation position types and match them to example sentences. Lastly, students imagine they are negotiating the sale of an apartment and use background information to write four negotiation positions that correspond to each of the four position types.
Expressing a Negotiation Position Preview

Offers and Counteroffers

Business English Negotiation Games - Vocabulary and Speaking: Categorising, Gap-fill, Role Play, Controlled and Freer Practice - Pair Work - Intermediate (B1) - 40 minutes

Here are two engaging business negotiation games to help students learn and practice language for making offers and counteroffers in negotiations. First, in pairs, students race to correctly categorise language cards under 'making offers' or 'making counteroffers' headings. Students take turns picking up a card, reading it aloud, and categorising it under 'making offers' or 'making counteroffers'. The first pair to correctly categorise all the cards is the winner. Next, students play a role-play game where they score points for using the language in bold on the cards. For the first role-play, Student A takes the cards for making offers, and Student B takes the cards for making counteroffers. Students then role-play the first negotiation. Each time a student makes an offer or counteroffer, they try to use the language in bold on one of their cards. If a student uses the language successfully, they score one point and remove the card from the game. This continues until the negotiation is finished. Students then repeat the game with the second role-play. This time, Student A uses the counteroffer cards, and Student B uses the offer cards. The student with the most points at the end wins.
Offers and Counteroffers Preview

Employment Contract Negotiation

Business English Negotiations Role Play - Vocabulary, Reading and Speaking: Gap-fill, Guided Discussion, Role-Play, Communicative Practice - Pair and Group Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 60 minutes

In this authentic negotiations role-play activity, students simulate an employment contract negotiation between an employee and an employer. First, students complete negotiation phrases with vocabulary from a box. Students then preview the background details of an upcoming employment contract negotiation between an employee and an employer and rank the negotiation items in order of importance for both parties. Next, in two groups, employees and employers, students formulate a negotiation strategy using information on cards and the background details. Each student then pairs up with someone from the other group and role-plays an employment contract negotiation, scoring points in the negotiation depending on the terms agreed to for each item. The aim is for both sides in the negotiation to score reasonably high and come to a mutually beneficial agreement. Afterwards, pairs share their scores with the class and give feedback on their negotiations.
Employment Contract Negotiation Preview

First Conditional Business

Business English Negotiations Worksheet and Role-Play - Grammar and Reading Exercises: Changing Word Forms, Ordering - Speaking Activity: Creating a Dialogue - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 30 minutes

In this business negotiations worksheet and role-play, students practice the first conditional in a business negotiation context. First, students complete sentences using the first conditional and verbs in brackets. Next, students read a dialogue and number the parts to create a logical and coherent conversation between two people, negotiating a deal. Finally, in pairs, students use information in a table to create a negotiation dialogue between a company and manufacturer for the production run and unit cost of a new product using the first conditional. Afterwards, students role-play their dialogues to the class.
First Conditional Business Preview

Negotiations Pelmanism

Business English Negotiations Game - Vocabulary: Matching, Pelmanism - Group Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 20 minutes

Here is a free business negotiations game to help students review and practice vocabulary that is commonly used in business negotiations. In groups, students take it in turns to turn over one negotiations vocabulary card and one definition card. If the negotiations vocabulary matches the definition, the student reads the two cards aloud, keeps the two cards and has another turn. If not, the student turns the cards back over, keeping them in the same place. The game continues until all the cards have been matched. The student with the most pairs of cards at the end of the game wins.
Negotiations Pelmanism Preview

Negotiation Stages

Business English Negotiations Worksheet - Reading and Vocabulary Exercises: True or False, Matching, Binary Choice - Speaking Activity: Role Play - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 40 minutes

In this productive business negotiations worksheet and role-play, students practice language for the various stages of a business negotiation. To begin, in pairs, students decide whether tips for negotiating are true or false. If students think a tip is false, they correct the statement so that it's true. Working alone, students then match stages of a negotiation with useful language. Next, students read a negotiation dialogue and underline language that matches the negotiation stages. After that, students circle the correct preposition in each sentence. In pairs, students then take part in a negotiation role-play to practice the stages and language from the worksheet. Lastly, pairs report back to the class on the outcome of their role-play and what they agreed on.
Negotiation Stages Preview

Price Negotiations

Business English Price Negotiations Worksheet - Reading and Vocabulary Exercises: Matching, Gap-Fill - Speaking Activity: Role-Play, Communicative Practice - Pair Work - Upper-intermediate (B2) - 30 minutes

In this handy business negotiations worksheet and role-play, students practice expressions for price negotiations. First, students match expressions for price negotiations to sentence endings. Students then indicate who would say each sentence by writing B for buyer or S for seller. Next, students complete a price negotiation dialogue between a buyer and seller with the price negotiation expressions. After that, in pairs, students take part in a price negotiation role-play to practice the expressions from the worksheet. Finally, pairs report back to the class on the outcome of their negotiations and the price they agreed on.
Price Negotiations Preview

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